
Running the Race Before Me

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

So this Sunday, I did something I have been wanting (and trying) to do for almost three years now.  I ran a half marathon.  After two failed attempts (one case of Salmonella and one move to Florida), the third try was the charm!  I ran and completed the Disney Princess Half Marathon.  I had been excited for this race since August 6 when  signed up (hey, this race sells out and I was not about to miss out).  Training was a breeze (if you don't count being out a month for vertigo and a week for IT band issues) and I knew the distance would be no problem.  The things that DID make me nervous, however?  IT Band acting up (it happened), my feet hurting because my shoes weren't tied right (I had them perfect, ok?), being so tired from waking up early, etc.

My mom flew in to town to come watch!

The race started at 5:35 AM...Yes, AM.  They recommend being there by 4 AM.  They warned about bad traffic and road closures. So, the resulting decision was to leave the hotel at...3 AM.  Meaning, I was waking up by 2:30 to get my things together, drink coffee, and eat something.  Well, wouldn't you know it, there was no traffic, parking was a breeze, and we arrived at 3:30 AM.  However, it turned out to be a HUGE blessing because at 3:45, Mom and Casey dropped me off at the entrance to where the runners wait before heading to the corrals.  As soon as they turned around, the masses came flooding into the common area.  Mom and Casey rushed to the entrance to Magic Kingdom (to get a good view of me running by) and managed to be first in line to enter.  Me, well I went through the tent, fully expecting to be on the road to the starting line, only to find a holding area for all of the runners.  At 4:00 they finally opened the gate and we began the mile long walk to the corrals.

Walking to the main area
All of the runners in the corrals behind me

Because I had run a 10K the previous May and had a decent time, I was placed in corral B which would start at 5:42 (after Corral A cleared out).  Because we got there so ridiculously early, I was at the front of my corral--which meant when Fairy Godmother yelled "GO" and the fireworks went off, I was running, not walking.  I had stopped running the Wednesday before the race and OH did it feel good to run.  In fact, I was so excited to be running again that I had to continually watch my Garmin to make sure I didn't go too fast.  Eventually I managed to slow from 9:10 to 9:22 for my pace, but that was as slow as my body wanted to go.  The first five or so miles were fantastic.  My pace held steady, my breathing was normal, and the temperature was cool with a light breeze.

Then Magic Kingdom happened.  I had just passed Mom and Casey at mile 5.6 (they almost missed me!) and was so caught up on staring at the castle that I did not notice the sharp turn in the course.  I turned hard to follow the crowd and felt knee.  Pain.  Heat.  My IT band was not happy with the sudden turn.  The moment it happened I began to pray HARD.  I told God I would be ok if it hurt for a week or weeks after the race, but to please let me finish the race on time.  I was aiming for a PR (2:00-2:02 finish time) and wanted it so badly.  So each time it flared and tightening, I prayed.  When it stopped hurting, I thanked Him.  And, wouldn't you know, it helped.  It didn't get unbearable until I was 0.5 miles from the finish line and when that happened, I would stop, stretch, and run, trying to put all of my weight on my other leg.  And I managed to cross the finish line at 2:07:35...and promptly begin limping the moment I crossed it.

Crossing the finish line--FINALLY

Ice bag in hand and relieved to be done

All in all, I loved this race.  It was entertaining at every moment thanks to characters on the sidelines, volunteers cheering us on, the runners' costumes (the men went ALL out too), or choirs singing us on.  It was extremely organized.  The volunteers were helpful.  And the starting was efficient...especially when you consider that 24,000 people supposedly ran it.  I would HIGHLY recommend this race to anyone--especially if it will be your first half marathon.  The only thing I would change--I would go more "all out" with my costume!

So, here's some pictures of the race and be expecting a food post in the next couple of days!

My niece Elley saying "Good job Camillionaire!'

SO proud of this.

Fireworks as Corral A begins

I can have one of these on my car now :)

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