
Going Vegetarian!

Friday, February 1, 2013

First of all, let me say that this blog will NOT be completely about my vegetarianism and recipes.  I also want to use it as a space to share life, learning, and everything in between with you, my readers.  I am so incredibly blessed in life and I want to share with everyone the things I am learning, experiencing, and seeing.  With that...on to the first post!

Going vegetarian seemed easy at first.  Really and truly, I didn’t eat much meat to begin with.  Mostly just chicken mixed in with stuff and the occasional tuna melt…oh and pigs in a blanket.  THOSE made it in my belly at least once a week.   But other than that, I preferred vegetables, bread,  Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or brownies.  So when I watched the documentary Forks Over Knives and learned the health risks that come not only with meat but with animal products in general, I wanted to give it a try.  I am all about treating my body like a temple—that IS what God calls us to do after all.  I try and limit my junk food intake (AKA brownies and my newfound obsession with ruffles potato chips).  I eat healthily and try to eat only whole wheat products.  I run four to five times a week and work on my core to avoid back and hip problems.  You get the point.

So, when I learned that the countries who consume the most animal by-products (meat, cheese, eggs, milk, dairy…basically anything coming from something with a face) are also the countries with the highest incidents of cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis, etc. and that those who consume little to none at all have none of these health problems, I was convinced.  I wanted to take care of my body and hit “reset”.  I did my research by watching Forks Over Knives again, buying their cookbook, and buying The Engine Two Diet.  I HIGHLY recommend The Engine 2 Diet.  The author not only lays out the diet, but explains the scientific research, case studies, health related facts, and combats myths against vegetarianism and a plant-based lifestyle.  BUY IT NOW.  Please.  :)

My wonderful husband has agreed to take part in this lifestyle change with me during dinnertime.  He can have meat at lunchtime, but (in the words of a friend) at dinner, “he’s mine!”  We have had some hits and one or two misses so far, but all-in-all, he has been a trooper and is willing to try most anything.  So far we are twelve days in and I have only slipped ONCE and had a piece of catfish.  Hey, don’t judge.  Fred’s buffet is an Achilles heel of mine…actually ALL buffets are.  But I have found my desire for meat is waning, as is my desire for sweets.   It is amazing how much better all-around you feel once your body begins to adapt.  I have more energy, I feel lighter but fuller at the same time, I don’t feel groggy and sluggish…And my runs are going better and I feel stronger.  In the words of Rip, the author of Engine 2 Diet, there is a reason hippos, rhinos, and elephants are some of the strongest animals—they are herbivores!

Some changes I have noticed since starting the vegetarian/mostly-vegan lifestyle:  My energy has increase (at work and on runs).  My hair is healthier looking and feels softer and stronger.  My digestive issues are improving—a BIGGIE for me since I struggle with diverticular disease and IBS (it doesn’t take much to make me sick, food wise).  My cravings have changed.  It used to be, when I got home from work, I would grab something sweet to snack on before my run (i.e. leftover homemade cookies, brownies, cake, Oreos, candy…you get the picture).  Now, when I get home, I want veggies, pita chips, whole wheat bread, and fruit.  *Note to self: STOCK UP ON MORE! :)  My stomach gets sick when I overdo it on sweets now—used to be I could eat literally a quarter pan of brownies with ice cream and still feel ok but now it’s too sweet and rich for me.  My palate is changing!  I don’t have headaches as much anymore and I don’t depend on coffee as much throughout the day.

I WILL admit…I went through withdraws about a week in.  I never crave steak or fish, or even chicken really.  I don’t crave much other than random things like cheese-its, a Chick-fil-a sandwich, pizza, or wings.  But a week in I HAD TO HAVE MEAT.  I wanted Taco Bell (which grosses me out usually), I wanted a Big Mac, I wanted a STEAK.   I also had some weird symptoms which, after doing research, I found to be withdrawals.  I had headaches for a couple of days, my stomach was NOT happy with me, I was constantly bloated, and I felt ill all around.  I also didn’t sleep well the first couple of nights.  Turns out, these are symptoms of withdrawal from dairy and meat—lots of other people doing this challenge experienced it too!  But now, I feel great!  Cheese grosses me out, my taste buds prefer almond milk, I don’t crave meat much (although typing about pigs-in-a-blanket made me want one).

Ramblings aside, I promised myself I would go vegetarian for at least a month.  I want to try being completely vegan by the start of week three in…oh dang…three days.  And then, at the end of the month, I will decide how to proceed.  I may eat a meat/animal by product type food once a week, every other week, or never.  We will see.  Basically, the point of this blog is to chronicle my journey on this new life path I believe God will bless (after all, our bodies are His temple and not taking care of the bodies He gave us is sin), as well as to post LOTS of yummy, healthy recipes.  I have posted pictures on Facebook and had people ask me for recipes so I wanted one place people could reference for that.  Also, I want to share facts about this eating plan, as well as research done on its benefits and the danger of excess consumption of animal by-products.

So, with that, have a fantastic Friday and I will post a recipe this weekend!

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