
Food Tour: Memphis, TN

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Guys, I am so excited about this blog post.  You have no idea.  Seriously.  I went to my hometown to visit family and a couple of friends this past weekend.  Usually when I go back, I end up going to the same old places to eat—the favorites.  After all, they are the ones I miss most when I am here and not there.  I’m talking things like a Huey Burger from Huey’s, an Avocado BLT from Booksellers Bistro, pizza from Memphis Pizza Café…those places.  Memphis, TN is becoming a big place for good, local, and even unique, food.  Bloggers are blogging, critics are loving, and Guy Fierri is driving by.  Naturally, being the foodie I am, I have been keeping a food “bucket list” of all the places I want to try when I visit.  Well, Casey and I have been married fourteen months now and have visited Memphis five times collectively…Had we been to any of these places yet?  NO!  I put it off.  But no more!  I promised myself this past visit to Memphis, I would go to a place on my list every day.  And did I?  You betcha!
Gibson’s Donuts
So, I landed in Memphis at 7:40 AM.  By the way, for those of you who were wondering, that means my flight left at 6:30 AM, which means I woke up at 2:45 that morning.  Because I know you were wondering.  Traditionally, as soon as my mom picks me up (and Casey if he comes long), we head to Gibson’s Donuts.  If you are ever in town, you HAVE to go there.  It is one of those nondescript, hole-in-the-walls that looks like it COULD be decent, but in reality, it’s the best food you will ever put in your mouth.  Gibson’s makes their donuts fresh throughout the day and never re-uses day old donuts.  They’re open twenty-four hours a day, so beginning at 11 PM, donuts at 6 for $1.  Needless to say, they run out fast.  For college kids, this is the place to hang out and study late at night.  AND I have even seen a group of elderly people come in a midnight to enjoy a few amazing, cheap donuts.
Recommendations:  Plain Glazed (it is that good—better than fresh and hot Krispy Kreme), Old Fashioned, or the Blueberry Cake Donut.

The Elegant Farmer
This place was the one I was looking forward to and dreading the most.  The vegetarian options were limited to three or four options, which made me nervous, but Guy Fierri came here for an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, so it HAD to be good, right?   We arrived and were greeted by the very friendly (and funny) host, and soon seated with a “right this way sweet potato” and a smile.  The waiter was friendly, knowledgeable, and quick.  We never once had to ask for a refill, he had tried everything on the menu, and seemed to know everyone who came in.  My mom and I both elected to try the vegetarian plate and we also split a cup of Sweet Potato Curry Soup.  Out of all of the places I went this weekend, this one stood head and shoulders above the rest—and that’s saying something.  The roasted root vegetables were perfectly seasoned with a little olive oil, garlic, and pepper and the natural flavors of the yellow peppers was amazing.  The corn bread pudding was different than I was expecting.  I thought it would be like sweet corn bread made into bread pudding but it was grainer, more solid, and had a hint of a taste of parmesan cheese to it…but it wasn’t bad at all!  Me being me, I am a bread lover.  And my favorite thing was the dinner roll.  It was soft, buttery, and had a slight sweetness to it that just amazed me.
Recommendations:  The Vegetarian Plate (Sauteed Asparagus, Roasted Root Vegetables, and Corn Bread Pudding)

Trolley Stop Market:
This is another one of those ones on everyone’s (it seems) Memphis Must bucket list.  While they do have other menu items, pizza is the “must” for this restaurant.  The location is downtown on one of the streets that has trolleys running up and down it.  Fitting name, huh?  Anyways, the atmosphere is laid back and the dining area is fun to look around.  They have shelves and fridges all around with local art work, meat, jewelry, clothing, you name it.  The pizza we ordered was incredible:  Margherita Pizza with fresh blobs (I like the word, ok?) of mozzarella, basil, incredible pizza sauce, and whole slices of tomato.  I could have eaten a lot more than I did but we also got breadsticks (which in reality, was pizza crusts), hummus with fresh, soft, warm pita bread to dip, and chocolate mousse cake.  I say go here just for the environment itself, and the location, but it helps that the food is great enough to draw people in too.
Recommendations:  Marghertia Pizza, or any of their pizzas really.  The selection is incredible and they can do custom by the slice too.

Young Avenue Deli:
I still find it amazing that I never made it here when I lived in Memphis.  Everyone I met loved it, all of my graduate school classmates went there regularly, but somehow I never went.  But no more!  I have been to the goodness that is Young Avenue Deli.  The list of 101 Things to Eat in Memphis recommends this place, and its sweet potato fries…which is awesome because I happen to have an undying love for sweet potato fries.  I met a friend there and singled out three options, then asked the waiter which was best.  After getting over his “huh” when I gave him like four options, he chose the Portobello Mushroom Sandwich for me.  I was a bit “meh” about it, mostly because the cheese was feta, but I was pleasantly surprised at the taste of the cheese (I don’t think feta melts though, so maybe it was a different cheese), the marinade of the mushroom, and the overall goodness of the sandwich.  Oh, and those sweet potato fries?  Crispy, cinnamon-sugary goodness, my friends.
Recommendations:  I highly recommend the Portobello Mushroom Sandwich, and my non-vegetarian friend Ally recommends the Chicken Salad Sandwich, saying it is the best she has ever had.

New to Memphis, this greek restaurant is already gaining fame among Memphians and foreigners alike.  Part of a chain, this restaurant still manages to provide good, non-chain tasting, quality food.  My dad, stepmom, sister, and grandparents and I met here for dinner on a Saturday night.  While the place was loud and hard for my grandparents (and me) to hear, the food made up for it.  The majority of us tried gyros of different types:  chicken, lamb, pesto chicken, and veggie (I bet you can’t guess which was mine).  All of us were impressed by how good it was.  Mine came with cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, greek salad dressing, greek slaw, onions, and a couple of other veggies.  While it is easy for all veggie wraps and sandwiches to not be as good, this one was better than any veggie wrap I have ever had.  The dressing was flavorful and bold, the veggies were crisp and fresh, and the gyro bread was soft and tasted fresh baked.  After eating, my dad (being the sweet-aholic he is) bought us all Baklava to share and, while it was good, it still did not stand a chance compared to the gyros.
Recommendations:  Village Veggie Gyro, Lamb Gyro (according to my dad), and Chicken Gyro (based solely on how much my grandfather seemed to enjoy his)

Muddy’s Bake Shop:
I save this one for last because it is near and dear to my heart…an obsession…a love…a…well you get the point.  Muddy’s came to Memphis when I was in college, but once I discovered it, I was there every chance I got.  The cake is scratch made, the icing is superb, and the cookies and pies?  Well, they are every bit as good.  The shop/bakery is decorated uniquely and “cutely” and matches the personality of its owner and employees perfectly.  Never will you see an angry person behind the counter nor in the line waiting.  The line often goes out the door, even at two o’clock on a Saturday (when I was there), but no one minds waiting.  Their mission is:  to delight people with delicious treats and a smile while being a good neighbor to our community, the environment, and our animal friends.  They use eggs from cage-free or free-range hens and their milk is organic.  They are also a part of Project Green Fork (go check the website out, seriously) and do not accept tips.  Instead, they have a jar in which people can put money to go towards the local non-profit for the month.  I could go on and ON about Muddy’s (and I often do to friends, coworkers, and anyone else who will listen) but for now, food.  I usually get the same thing every time at Muddy’s but this time, I thought I would be adventurous…so I got the same cupcakes I usually do PLUS a new one AND a piece of pie.  Cocoa Chanel Pie I am pretty sure.  All I know is I saw something gooey and chocolately and said “I want that chocolate pie right there”.  I fully intended to eat it later and only try one little bite at the shop…but within five minutes it was GONE.  It was the best pie I have ever had and the most I have ever “mmm’ed” and “wow’ed” and “yum’ed” over a piece of pie.  Go there.  Eat it.  Thank me.
Recommendations:  Plain Jane, Prozac…these two are my have to have them every time cupcakes.  If you like peanut butter, try the Tomboy.  If you like fruity things, Razzle Dazzle is another favorite of mine.  For cookies, try the oatmeal coconut or the sweet n’ salty cookies.  For pie, do I need to remind you about the Cocoa Chanel?

Now, my hope is that after reading how much I love food and I love Memphis food, you are booking a flight to Memphis right now.  Seriously, go.  Do it.  I am so glad I finally decided to give my food bucket list a try and I can’t wait for the next visit so I can try some more.  Well, more plus go to my usuals (Muddy’s and Gibsons and now The Elegant Farmer).  Happy Tuesday everyone and, as always, comments and feedback are welcome! :)

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